杞子脆杏仁能量棒 Goji Berry Almond Crunchy Nut Bars






原味杏仁 110克

碧根果仁   50克

南瓜籽   80克
椰子條   20克

杞子   20克

原色杏脯   35克
無糖100%花生醬 135克

楓糖漿   80克

羅漢果糖漿           30克

初榨椰子油   50克

雲呢拿醬         1茶匙 

海鹽   少許

純素朱古力粒(可省略)           20粒



1 先在6/7吋方型模內鋪好蠟紙或牛油紙

2 焗盤鋪上牛油紙,倒入杏仁和碧根果仁,入爐以160度焗7分30秒

3 取出焗盤,倒入南瓜籽及椰子條,跟碧根果仁以150度一同焗6分鐘

4 焗好的果仁在盤上攤凍,降溫後切碎;沒有焗爐的話,可以用白鑊炒香

5 杏脯乾切粒;杞子沖洗過,用熱水浸軟

6 花生醬、楓糖漿、羅漢果糖漿及椰子油倒入小煲,用細火加熱,一邊煮一邊攪拌至所有材料混合好

7 熄火後,加少許海鹽 及1茶匙雲呢拿醬攪勻

8 煲離開爐面避免繼續加熱,果仁碎、杏脯粒及杞子(不連水)倒入糖漿內,攪半至所有材料都沾有糖漿



9 將所有材料倒入模內,用湯匙壓平,灑上少許海鹽,待降溫後,輕手將朱古力粒隨意壓在果仁中間(尖向下),放入雪櫃冷藏最少3小時,凝固後切件即可進食




English Recipe


Unsalted Almond     110 grams

Pecan nuts   50 grams

Pumpkin seeds   80 grams
Shredded coconut   20 grams

Goji Berries                   20 grams

Dried Apricots     35 grams
Sugar Free Unsalted 100% Peanut Butter 135 grams

Maple syrup   80 grams

Monk Fruit Sweetener           30 grams

Cold pressed virgin coconut oil   50 grams

Vanilla paste                 1 teaspoon

Sea ​​salt   A pinch

vegan chocolate chips (optional)   20 pieces


1 Lay wax paper or butter paper in the 6/7 inch square mold first

2 Cover the tray with baking paper, pour in almonds and pecan nuts, bake in the oven at 160 ℃ for 7 minutes and 30 seconds

3 Take out the baking tray, pour in pumpkin seeds and coconut strips, and bake together with all the nuts at 150 ℃ for 6 minutes

4 Set aside to cool and chopped after cooling down; if you don’t have an oven, you can pan fry the nuts until fragrant

5 Dried apricots, diced; Goji berries rinsed and soaked in hot water until softened

6 Pour peanut butter, maple syrup, monk fruit syrup and coconut oil into a small pot, heat over low heat, stir while cooking until all ingredients are well mixed

7 After turning off the heat, add a little sea salt and 1 tsp vanilla paste, stir well

8 Take the pot away from the stove to avoid further heating, pour the chopped nuts, dried apricots and goji (without water) into the syrup, stir until all the ingredients are covered with the syrup

9 Pour all the ingredients into the baking mold, flatten it with a spoon, and sprinkle with a little sea salt. After cooling down, gently press the chocolate chips in the middle of the nuts (tip down), and refrigerate for at least 3 hours. After solidification, slice and serve!

*Large pieces of nuts are baked in the oven first, and then add small pumpkin seeds and coconut strips to bake until they are crispy, which can avoid the nuts from being over-baked


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