馬六甲海南雞飯粒 (2-3人份量)Malacca Chicken Rice Ball


十多年前,任職的公司每年都會為員工提供不同的在職培訓。無論是財務部(Finance Department)、業務發展(Business Development)或者是營運部門(Operations Department),都會跟不同地區的同事一同上課。當時的香港,是不少外資企業在亞太區的總部,無論是租金、薪酬及物價,已經是東南亞地區當中最高的地方。因此,公司安排的Staff Training或是Regional Meeting,通常都在物價相對便宜新加坡、泰國和馬來西亞。

其中一年的APAC Corporate Sales Training, 地點在馬來西亞的吉隆坡。由公司安排的機票和酒店,時間、坐位和住宿都很妥當,將會同行出發的同事就建議,既然不用自己買機票,不如提早在週末出發,自費付兩晚酒店房租,玩兩日到星期一才開始上堂!在那個自由開放,budget又沒有那麼緊張的年代,管理層及財務部允許如此安排,我們就自行提早出發。








冰鮮雞腿 2大件

紅蔥頭 1粒

厚薑片 1片

蒜頭 3瓣

香茅 2枝

新鮮斑蘭葉 4片

小青瓜 2條

白米 1 ⅓杯

糙米 2湯匙
薑黃粉 少許



粗鹽 1茶匙

魚露 1茶匙

白胡椒粉 ¼ 茶匙


紅指天椒 3-4隻

青指天椒 2隻


蒜頭 1瓣

魚露 1湯匙

粗鹽 少許

羅漢果甜味劑 ¾ 茶匙

米醋 1湯匙



厚薑片 1片

熱熟油 1湯匙



1 糙米沖洗好,用熱水浸住最少一小時;雞腿肉用毛巾或廚紙印乾水份,用醃料醃最少一小時;準備二十粒冰或一枝冰水

2 辣椒中間切開後去核、薑去皮、蒜頭去衣,所有材料切細後,放入攪拌機或用砵搗爛,與魚露、鹽、米醋及羅滿果甜味劑拌勻,用碟盛起待用


3 小青瓜沖洗過,抹乾後切成片,封好放入雪櫃待用

4 做薑油用薑磨成蓉之後,用小碟盛起;紅蔥頭、蒜頭去衣,薑去皮,切成或用刨磨成蓉

5 白米用篩裝起,沖洗之後滴乾水;斑蘭葉洗好抹乾打成結;香茅洗好,撕走最外面一層不要,用刀拍開

6 鑄鐵鍋用大火加熱,放2湯匙油,油夠熱之後,將1湯匙熱油灒入預先盛起的薑蓉成為沾醬

7 糙米跟白米混合好,糙米水連清水(共1 ½ 杯)

8 轉小火,倒入薑蓉、紅蔥及蒜炒香,轉中火倒入米炒勻


9 1 ½ 杯水倒入鍋,轉小火,加薑黃粉拌勻後,放斑蘭葉及香茅在米飯上面,合上煲蓋煮大約5分鐘至水份開始收乾

10 雞腿肉放飯面,開大火加熱1分鐘後轉小火,期間不要打開煲蓋,煲15分鐘

11 青瓜片放碟上,雞腿肉放入冰水浸住

12 夾起香茅及斑蘭葉,飯攪勻散熱後,帶手套或用保鮮紙將米飯搓成飯粒放碟上

13 雞肉降溫後抹乾,切成件放在飯粒旁,即可成為皮脆肉滑的馬六甲海南雞飯




English Recipe


Chilled boneless chicken thigh 2 pcs

Shallot         1 pc

Thick sliced ​​ginger         1 pc

Garlic          3 cloves

Lemongrass          2 sticks

Fresh pandan leaves 4 pcs

Cucumber 2 pcs

White rice 1 ⅓ cup

Brown rice 2 tbsp
Turmeric powder          a pinch

Chicken Marinade:

Kosher salt 1 teaspoon

Fish sauce 1 teaspoon

White pepper ¼ teaspoon

Chili sauce:

Fresh Red Chili 3-4 pcs

Fresh Green Chili 2pc

Ginger slice 1pc

Garlic 1 clove

Fish sauce 1 tbsp

Kosher salt a pinch

Monk fruit Sweetener ¾ teaspoon

Brown Rice vinegar 1 tbsp

Ginger sauce:

Thick sliced ​​ginger 1pc

Hot cooked oil 1 tablespoon


1 Rinse the brown rice and soak it in hot water for at least one hour; pat dry the chicken thighs with a towel or kitchen paper, marinate with seasonings for at least one hour; prepare 20 pieces of ice or a bottle of ice water

2 Cut the chili in the middle vertically, remove the core and seed; Peel the ginger and remove the skin of the garlic clove, roughly chop all the ingredients, put them in a blender or mash them with a clay pot, mix well with fish sauce, salt, rice vinegar and monk fruit sweetener, serve in a small plate and set aside

3 Rinse the small cucumbers, pat dry the skin and cut into slices, put them in a bowl, wrap it and put it in the refrigerator for later use

4 To make ginger oil, grind the thick slice of ginger into minced ginger and place in a small dish; Shallot,Garlic peeled, ginger peeled, finely chopped or grinded into puree

5 Put the white rice in a sieve, rinse and drain the water; wash the pandan leaves and tie them into knots; wash the lemongrass, tear off the outermost layer and break them by pressing with a knife

6 Heat the cast iron pan over high heat, put 2 tablespoons of oil, when the oil is hot enough, pour 1 tablespoon of hot oil into the grinded ginger paste to make a dipping sauce

7 Mix brown rice with white rice, brown rice water mix with tap water (total 1 ½ cups)

8 Turn to low heat, add minced ginger, shallots and garlic and sauté until fragrant, turn to medium heat, add rice and stir well

9 Pour 1 ½ cups of water into the pot, turn to low heat, add turmeric powder, mix well, put pandan leaves and lemongrass on top of the rice, close the lid and cook for about 5 minutes until the water starts to dry up

10 Put the chicken thighs on the rice, turn on the high heat for 1 minute, then turn to low heat, do not open the lid during this period, cook for 15 minutes

11 Put the cucumber slices on the plate, soak the chicken thighs in ice water

12 Pick up the lemongrass and pandan leaves, stir the rice evenly and let it cool down a bit, wear gloves or use cling wrap to rub the rice into rice balls and put them on a plate

13 After the chicken is cooled, dry it, cut it into pieces and put it next to the rice ball. It will become a tasty Malacca Hainanese chicken rice!

If you want to make it easier, you can put the fried rice together with pandan leaves, lemongrass and water into the rice cooker and cook. After the rice is boiled, put the chicken legs on the rice surface and steam until cooked. The fat and gravy in the chicken will be absorbed by the rice, and the cooked rice will taste the same, and the chicken will not become chewy due to overcooking.

The chicken is steamed with rice and the rice will absorb the essence of the chicken, so there is no need to pre-cook chicken soup or use boxed soup; the rice is fried with ingredients, and the aroma of lemongrass and pandan leaves is so rich in taste, this simple way of cooking is suitable for small portion or families of 2-4 people (two adults and two children).


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