花生醬朱古力曲奇 Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies


100%無鹽糖花生醬 100克

楓糖漿 95克

超幼杏仁粉 100克

¼ 茶匙

梳打粉 ¼ 茶匙
純素朱古力粒 3湯匙

馬達加斯加雲呢拿醬 1茶匙

1 花生醬和楓糖漿在大碗內混合好

2 杏仁粉、鹽和梳打粉,用另一個碗裝起並拌勻

3 用篩將杏仁粉分三次篩入醬料,用矽膠刮搓勻

4 最後一次,倒入3湯匙朱古力粒後搓勻成光滑粉團
5 焗盤上面鋪好牛油紙

6 將粉團分成10-12份,每份大約26-28克重,放在焗盤上面

7 逐粒將粉團搓成圓球狀

8 用湯匙壓平至每塊大約3-4mm厚

9 曲奇放入雪櫃雪15分鐘

10 焗爐預熱至150度

11 曲奇放入爐,150度焗20-22分鐘

12 出爐後待曲奇降溫,再放在架上待曲奇完全攤凍後即可食用

13 一次過吃不完的,可將曲奇放入玻璃瓶,一、兩日內食完即可


100% Plain Peanut Butter 100 g

Maple Syrup 95 g

Superfine Almond Flour 100 g

Salt ¼ teaspoon

Baking soda ¼ teaspoon
Vegan Chocolate Chips 3 tablespoons

Madagascar Vanilla Paste 1 teaspoon

1 Peanut butter and maple syrup mixed well in a large bowl

2 Almond flour, salt and baking powder, mix well in another bowl

3 Sift the flour mix with a sieve into the wet ingredients in three times, combine with a silicone scraper

4 The third time, pouring in the chocolate chips before kneading into a smooth dough
5 Place a baking paper on the baking tray

6 Divide the dough into 10-12 portions, about 26-28g each  and put on the baking tray

7 Knead the cookie dough into a ball shape

8 Flatten the dough with a spoon until each piece is about 3-4mm thick

9 Put the cookies in the refrigerator for 15 minutes

10 Preheat the oven to 150°C

11 Put the cookies in the oven and bake at 150°C for 20-22 minutes

12 Let the cookies cool down in room temperature, then transfer to a rack until the cookies are completely cool and serve 

13 If you can't eat all at once, store the cookies in a airtight glass bottle and consume within 1-2 days


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