冰糖木瓜燉黃耳 (2-3人份量)


紅肉木瓜 ¼ 個

黃耳 半個(已浸泡)

手工冰糖 10粒

桂圓 8粒

杞子 10粒


1 黃耳預早一晚用清水浸泡,或最少浸發10小時

2 木瓜削皮去籽,切成件

3 黃耳浸軟後,撕開成小塊,去除中心粗糙部份,再用清水沖洗至沒有沙泥

4 冰糖、桂圓和杞子沖洗過,桂圓和杞子用室溫水浸軟

5 黃耳、木瓜、冰糖和桂圓放入燉盅,倒入大約三碗室溫水,合好燉盅蓋

6 開中火,水滾後轉細火,隔水燉1小時

7 熄火前10分鐘,放入杞子(不連水)

8 用碗裝起即可食用

9 餘下的半個黃耳,第二日用來煮蓮子百合黃耳糖水


Red-fleshed papaya ¼ piece

Dried Yellow Fungus ½ piece (soaked)

Handmade Rock Sugar 10 pcs

Dried Longan 8 pcs

Wolfberry 10 pcs


1 Soak the dried yellow fungus in water overnight in advance, or soak it for at least 10 hours

2 Peel and remove the seeds from the papaya and cut into pieces

3 Tear the softened yellow fungus into small pieces, remove the rough part in the center, and then rinse with running water until there is no sand or mud.

4 Rinse the rock sugar, longan and wolfberry, soak the longan and wolfberry in room temperature water until soft

5 Put the yellow fungus, papaya, rock sugar and longan into the stew pot, add 3 bowls of room temperature water and close the stew lid.

6 Turn on medium heat until the water boils, reduce to low heat and simmer for 1 hour

7 10 minutes before turning off the heat, add the softened wolfberries (without water)

8 Serve in a bowl and eat immediately

9 Keep the remaining half piece of the yellow fungus in the fridge, cook lotus seed, lily and yellow fungus syrup the next day.


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