


帝皇蝦肉 300克


粗鹽   半茶匙

白胡椒粉   ¼ 茶匙

料理酒    半茶匙

生粉   半茶匙


木薯粉(粗)   3湯匙

杏仁粉   1湯匙


清水 20克

山楂片 5克

無糖番茄汁 30克

蘋果醋 60克

羅漢果糖 10克

原蔗糖 35克


1 蝦肉解凍,用鹽水浸泡20分鐘,挑去腸和筋,沖乾淨

2 用廚紙或毛巾抺乾蝦肉,在蝦肉上灑少許粗鹽,放入攪拌機,加入調味料,打成膠

3 蝦膠用碗裝好,放入雪櫃冷凍一小時

4 用刀將蝦膠釀在蟹鉗,撲上混合好的炸粉

5 在小煲內倒入生油,加熱後放入釀蟹鉗,炸大約四分鐘後撈起

6 釀蟹鉗回鍋用滾油大火炸大約三十秒,夾起後放網架釀多餘油份滴出

7 上碟並以自家製甜酸汁佐食即可


1 山楂片沖洗好,放入20克清水中煮滾

2 倒入糖,以中火煮至完全溶化

3 將番茄汁和蘋果醋倒入煲內,開大火煮滾,並不時攪拌

4 放少許鹽,水份開始收乾,變成濃稠糖漿後熄火,倒入小碟即成


Crab claws 8pcs

King prawns            300g

Almond Flour                 1Tbs

Coarse Tapioca Flour   3Tbs


Coarse salt     ½ tsp

White peppercorn powder          ¼ tsp 

Cooking Sake  ½ tsp

Tapioca Flour ½ tsp

Sweet & Sour Sauce:

Water         20g

Dried hawthorn slices, 5g

sugar-free tomato juice 30g

apple cider vinegar         60g

Monkfruit Sweetener 10g 

Raw cane sugar            35g

Steps of fried crab claws

1 Brine the defrosted prawns for 20 minutes, devein the prawns by a knife and a toothpick

2 Pat dry the prawns with kitchen paper or towel, sprinkle some coarse salt on the prawns, put them in a blender, add the seasoning, and make it into paste

3 Pour the prawn paste in a bowl, put it in the refrigerator for one hour

4 Stuff the paste in the crab claw with a knife, cover with mixed almond flour and tapioca flour

5 Pour oil into a small pot, heat it, put in the stuffed crab claws, fry for about 4 minutes then remove from pot

6 Return the stuffed crab claws to the pan, fry for about 30 seconds with boiling oil over high heat, pick  them up and put on the wire rack to make the excess oil drip 

7 Serve with homemade sweet and sour sauce, enjoy!

Sweet and Sour Sauce

1 Rinse the hawthorn slices, put them in 20 grams of water and bring to a boil

2 Pour in sugar and cook over medium heat until completely dissolved

3 Pour the tomato juice and apple cider vinegar into the pot, turn on high heat and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally

4 Add a bit salt, Turn off the heat when the sauce becomes thick, pour into a small dish and serve


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